Artists Reviews and Work

Francesca, July 2022 Residency
I arrived at Wick Farm with a long project list. But it turns out that creativity baulks at agendas just like they say God laughs at plans.
That’s not to say that I wasn’t creative. I was. Abundantly so. But not in any of the ways I had planned.
I rested deeply, dreamed feverishly and would rise to write - furiously - for what felt like only a few concise minutes at a time. No editing required.
I spent many minutes just breathing without meaning to. I couldn’t read much. I just watched trees. And the wind. The wind!
I laughed a lot, and cried a fair few times too.
I had several conversations in passing that by the end of my time there, all seemed to thread together like a perfect tapestry into one main theme, which I wrote about *here*.
So all in all, I would say this about Wick: Don’t come for a vacation. Come to tune-in, let go, give in and carry on with whatever it is you are most called to do. It is all waiting for you here.
I am very glad I came. Mad middle-aged woman creative that I am.
Rene, May 2022 Residency
Collaboration Janet and Shauna, May 2022 Residency